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My Journey

Dan on drums

As a lifelong student of the art of drumming, I understand how frustrating it is to manage reading notes vs. playing by ear.  And yet, I have come to understand how each is important.  In my early drumming days, I was thrown out of bands, and I had no idea why. I thought that my knowledge of drum beats alone was enough to get me by, but it wasn't.

When I was 21 years old, I started to teach drums after taking music in college for 1 year.  It was then I realized how to properly play drums.  It wasn't purely my knowledge of drum beats that was needed, it was also how to interact with bands, being sensitive to the audience and style of music, and being able to be a leader in the band. I could be a technical player, but I needed to understand how to interact with my bandmates on a leadership level using my rhythmic skills. Many teachers know how to teach drums, but they do not understand their role as a secondary leader in their band (next to the lead singer).  I teach all of these things, as well as the artistry behind drumming.

Throughout my time teaching others to play drums, I have been able to help drummers go to university, become a part of bands within less than a year of playing, and help drummers to excel in many areas.

I have also come to understand how to play with precision, and artistry, and have developed my own "sound."

All of this, plus 25+ years of experience playing drums, and 20+ years of teaching drums, I want to pass on to others in an accelerated class so that they can quickly grow, develop their own "sound" on the drums, and become a desired drummer in whichever musical circle they are looking for.

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